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    捕获录音带的声音就是捕获生动的呼吸声音,对正在播放的音乐做出动态反应。Slate Digital首席技术官Fabrice Gabriel以其电子工程学学位为基础,全面研究了通过磁带机记录到模拟磁带时发生的物理过程。从科学开始,Fabrice便发现了磁带看似神奇的特性,并激发了他创建迄今最先进,最动态的算法。在Slate Digital首席执行官Steven Slate的专业人士的帮助下,经过一年的关键聆听和算法调整,对两台行业标准的机器进行了精确建模。

    使用NRG Recording的2英寸16轨和Howie Weinberg Mastering的½英寸2轨机器的型号,VTM都能为您的混音提供绝对真实的模拟氛围,使您的混音更上一层楼。随着尺寸,脂肪,深度和温暖的增加,您会想知道如果没有它,您将如何混合!


    – 2英寸16轨道
    – 1/2英寸母带平台
    –两种速度:15 ips和30 ips
    –降噪控制和自动静音 –低音
    – VU弹道


    Digital recording is now the standard for professional music production. But many engineers and musicians long for the days of analog recording, and for good reason.

    Analog Tape Machines have a SOUND.

    Big, fat, warm, deep, rich and exciting are just some of the terms used to describe what recording onto a piece of magnetic tape sounds like. To those that know, tape is simply more musical.


    To capture the sound of tape is to capture a living, breathing sound that dynamically reacts to the music going on to it. Slate Digital Chief Technology Officer Fabrice Gabriel utilized his electrical engineering degree as a foundation for a comprehensive study of the physical processes that occur when recording to analog tape through a tape machine. What began with science led to Fabrice’s discovery of the seemingly magical properties of tape, and inspired him to create his most advanced and dynamic algorithms yet. Two industry-standard machines were precisely modeled, after which followed a year of critical listening and algorithm tweaking, with some help from the expert ears of Slate Digital CEO, Steven Slate.

    With models of both a 2 inch 16 track from NRG Recording, and a ½ inch 2 track machine from Howie Weinberg Mastering, the VTM will give your mixes an absolutely authentic analog vibe that will take your mixes to the next level. With added dimension, fatness, depth, and warmth, you’ll wonder how you ever mixed without it!


    – Two tape machine types:
    – 2″ 16 track
    – 1/2″ mastering deck
    – Two tape formulations
    – Two speeds: 15 ips and 30 ips
    – Noise reduction control and auto mute
    – Wow & Flutter control
    – Bass alignment control
    – Normal, Low & High Bias settings
    – Level Calibration
    – VU ballistics
    – Grouping control
    – Settings global or per channel
    – Tape reels start and stop in sync with DAW transport


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