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    获得自然而强大的声音压缩的秘诀是串联使用多个压缩器。FirePresser 在一个简单的界面中为您提供四种最具标志性的模拟压缩器仿真,让您可以轻松地混合所有这些,并立即对任何材料进行丰富的模拟压缩。



    Finest Blend

    FirePresser 的 Rainbow Pad 的快捷方式让您可以控制链中每个压缩器的存在量。只需拖动一个参数即可获得最佳效果。快速、简单且富有创意。



    使用 Detector 进行微调

    尽管 FirePresser 的效果是即时的,但熟练的用户可能希望使用 Detector。这使您可以同时访问所有使用的压缩机的高级功能。


    饰面 FirePresser 的整体效果可以通过拨动 Turbo 旋钮获得更多挤压感,并通过令人愉悦的模拟饱和度进行调味。


    FirePresser 配备了许多适用于几乎任何工作室情况的预设。在大多数情况下,您只需加载一个预设并拨打湿/干旋钮即可获得出色的效果。FirePresser 是一个真正的节省时间的工具。

    A secret trick to getting natural yet powerful sounding compression is to use multiple compressors in series. FirePresser offers you four of the most iconic analogue compressor emulations in a simple interface, which lets you blend all of them easily and get lush analogue compression to any material in no time.

    Fine Selection

    Based on long time studio experience, FireSonic has carefully chosen a set of compressors with unique and expressive characteristics and turns those devices into one.

    Shortcut to the Finest Blend

    FirePresser's Rainbow Pad gives you control over the amount of presence of every compressor in the chain. Drag just one parameter to achieve the best results. Quick, simple and creative.

    Order As You Wish

    Of course, the order of the compressors matters. But you may change it in a fragment of a second. Simple dragging the compressors labels let you re-order and compare in no time.

    Fine Tuning with Detector

    Although the effect of FirePresser is instant, skilled users may want to use the Detector. That gives you access to advanced features of all engaged compressors at the same time.

    Salt and Pepper Finish

    The overall effect of FirePresser can be accentuated by dialling the Turbo knob to get more squash and seasoned by pleasant analogue saturation.

    Universal Use

    FirePresser is equipped with lots of presets for almost any studio situation. In most cases, you will just load a preset and dial Wet/Dry knob to achieve fantastic results. FirePresser is a real time-saver.


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