• ※ 正文概述 ※

  • Pulsar 1178是一个音频插件(VST / VST3 / AU / AAX),以其音色和压缩特性精心重建了原始的1178硬件压缩器,同时添加了一些其他功能,使其成为用于跟踪和混合的非常通用的压缩器。

    1178是一台压缩机,可以在早餐中吃些短暂的东西,是录音棚的稀有和昂贵的传奇,比其哥哥1176更清洁,功能更强大。1178已被包括Chris Lord-Alge(My Chemical Romance)在内的伟大制作人使用。 ),鲍勃·克莱蒙泰因(Rolling Stones,克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉),伊万·宾(Phil Collins)和奈杰尔·戈德里奇(Nigel Godrich)(Radiohead)。

    但是Pulsar Audio将其1178比原始设备更进一步,增加了现代多功能插件所期望的所有功能,包括用于增强控制的完整侧链EQ,用于温暖和性格的可选饱和阶段以及精确的测光。

    但是Pulsar 1178还提供了其他一些功能:







    Pulsar 1178 is an audio plug-in (VST/VST3/AU/AAX) that meticulously recreates the original 1178 hardware compressor in its tonal color and compression character, while adding several additional features, turning it into a very versatile compressor for tracking and mixing.

    A compressor that eats transients for breakfast, the 1178 is a rare and expensive legend of the recording studio, cleaner and more versatile than its older brother, the 1176. The 1178 has been used by great producers including Chris Lord-Alge (My Chemical Romance), Bob Clearmountain (Rolling Stones, Christina Aguilera), Yvan Bing (Phil Collins) and Nigel Godrich (Radiohead).

    But Pulsar Audio took their 1178 further than the original unit, adding all the features you would expect from a modern, versatile plug-in, including a full sidechain EQ for added control, an optional saturation stage for warmth and character, and precise metering.

    But Pulsar 1178 also provices several other features:

    Mid/Side Processing.

    Look-ahead and look behind options.

    External sidechaining.

    Presets from world-class sound engineers.

    Smart and resizable graphic interface.

    Up to 8X oversampling.


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