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  • 插件格式: VST/AAX x64





    • UVI-鼓替换器1.1.2
    •UVI-旋转1.0.1 •UVI-Thorus 1.0.1
    • UVI-平板v1.0.4
    •UVI-SparkVerb 1.1.4



    UVI已发布UVI Drum Replacer插件来替换和处理鼓声。事实证明该乐器用途广泛:新产品适用于消除鼓录音中的泄漏影响,用采样或插入信号代替单个声音,分层并添加低音提琴内容。
    根据开发商的说法,Drum Replacer会分析传入的声音信号并创建声音的频谱模型。将来,将使用创建的模型进行工作,用户可以随意更改和补充该模型。
    除了替换Drum Replacer外,您还可以增强低音效果,提取信号的某些部分,使用侧链发出新的声音。触发器以几种模式操作,包括专用的音序模式和随机的声音模式。
    UVI指出,插件过程非常简单明了。该程序还具有一个内置的文件浏览器,用于选择计算机硬盘驱动器上的文件和插件。在浏览器中,用户可以使用标记系统来简化他们的工作。浏览器还会扫描插件目录,并提供使用安装在Drum Replacer内的计算机上的任何虚拟乐器的功能。外部插件通过其自己的图形界面进行管理。










    The Plate,一个虚拟的树叶混响模拟器,已经发布。
    使用高级的物理建模混响UVI Plate探索前所未有的深沉而丰富的混响。Plate使用实时物理模拟和多达20,000种模式来实现更高的深度和细节水平,远远超出了物理单位。完全控制板材料和阻尼特性,并探索经典模型(如EMT140和240等)中的混响声音。

    1.启动SymLink Installer.cmd。2
    .通过设置扫描路径C:\ Program Files \ VSTPlugins启动DAW。




    03/18/2021 /249.4 MB

    格式:VST,AAX  64位


    A set of plugins from UVI.

    UVI – Relayer Relayer

    • UVI – Relayer 1.5.2
    • UVI – Drum Replacer 1.1.2
    • UVI – Rotary 1.0.1
    • UVI – Thorus 1.0.1
    • UVI – Plate v1.0.4
    • UVI – SparkVerb 1.1.4

    virtual multi-tap delay. Designed from the ground up to provide an efficient and inspiring workflow, Relayer lets you create from basic delays to radical rhythmic multi-effects with speed, precision and natural musicality.
    – Various multi-delays (up to 32) with advanced controls
    – Modulation editors for Time, Gain, Pan and 2 Multi-Effects.
    – The visualizer helps you understand important settings at a glance.
    – Intuitive interface for fast workflow.
    – Input Gate for expressive sound.
    – Diffusion section, which allows you to create reverb-style effects by giving the tail a delay.
    – Also included is a new ducker effect that allows users to create classic side-chain

    UVI pumping effects – Drum Replacer

    UVI Drum Replacer will replace drum sounds with any third party plugins. You can work with regular samples too.
    UVI has released the UVI Drum Replacer plugin to replace and process drum sounds. The instrument turned out to be quite versatile: the new product is suitable for eliminating the leakage effect in drum recordings, replacing individual sounds with samples or plug-in signals, layering and adding sub-bass content.
    According to the developers, Drum Replacer analyzes the incoming sound signal and creates a spectral model of the sound. In the future, work takes place with the created model, which the user can change and supplement at will.
    The plugin also creates a number of so-called triggers for sound – it is through them that the signal is processed. Each trigger stores up to eight audio samples or virtual instruments, which, according to the creators, provides ample flexibility in replacing sounds.
    In addition to replacing Drum Replacer, you can enhance the signal with sub-bass content, extract certain parts of the signal, use the sidechain to call out new sounds. Triggers operate in several modes, including a dedicated sequencing mode and a random sound mode.
    UVI notes that the plug-in process is simple and straightforward. The program also has a built-in file browser for selecting files and plugins on the computer’s hard drive. Within the browser, users can use the tagging system to simplify their work. The browser also scans the plugin directory and offers to use any virtual instrument installed on the computer inside Drum Replacer. External plugins are managed through their own graphical interface.
    At the same time, the instrument is equipped with sample editing functions that allow you to adjust the original or your own sound – change the pitch, add attenuation. Among other features, the developers note the algorithm for determining the required pitch, built-in metering and the ability to save presets.

    UVI – Rotary

    The virtual simulator of vintage Rotary speaker devices contains several models of original devices, as well as parameter controls for changing them. Free placement of microphones within the hemisphere is possible. There are separate parameters for low frequency and high frequency radiators (including frequency range and acceleration and deceleration times). Simulation of open and closed cabinets, as well as preamp overload are supported. Presets included.

    UVI – Thorus

    Thorus is the next iteration of modulation effects design, offering a sophisticated yet easy-to-use feature set, exceptionally clear and crisp sound, and an attractive interface.
    Chorus effect from UVI. Thorus has evolved in our quest for the perfect chorus algorithm. Based on a state-of-the-art chorus model combined with the advances in Sparkverb and Falcon design, Thorus can create exceptionally deep modulation with remarkably clear and detailed sound. Combine that with an attractive and easy-to-use interface and you’ve got a very compelling candidate for your next high-quality modulator.

    UVI – SparkVerb

    With state-of-the-art algorithmic design, Sparkverb breaks the boundaries of modern reverbs by providing users with innovative controls that dramatically improve usability, speed and creative freedom while delivering breathtaking sound quality and amazing performance. Sparkverb is capable of creating everything from natural-sounding spaces to endless, shimmering environments with amazing depth and precision across the entire spectrum.
    Great care has been taken to provide a high degree of customization with the fewest possible controls, resulting in less time wasted and more time to stay productive.
    At the heart of the Sparkverb interface is a spectral frequency editor, use it to shape and refine your sound with phenomenal speed and control. Adjust decay globally and across multiple bands with multipliers and crossovers directly on a single canvas. This is a completely new way of working with reverb.
    Open up new spaces and explore the full range of sonic possibilities effortlessly with built-in mutation and randomization controls.
    Whether you’re working with small ensembles, massive orchestras, sound design or anything in between, Sparkverb offers a unique experience and innovative capabilities to help you work faster, smarter and more creatively than ever before.

    UVI – Shade

    Shade is a next generation Swiss Army Knife filtering tool designed to break the boundaries of conventional EQ, filtering and modulation effects. Shade is more than a filter. Shade is a creative medium that combines an unprecedented selection of 35 filter shapes with 9 modulator types. Drag and drop modulation to any parameter in a fully customizable semi-modular system, complete with one-to-many and many-to-one routing, cross modulation, envelope tracking with side chain and filter inputs, with MSEG functionality, with envelope triggering capability that can be synchronized with the host, audio or MIDI, comprehensive multichannel support and more. Shade offers EQ and filtering features you already know and love,

    UVI – Plate

    The Plate, a virtual leaf reverb simulator, has been released.
    Explore deep and rich reverb like never before with UVI Plate, an advanced physics-modeled reverb. Plate uses real-time physics simulations and up to 20,000 modes to achieve new levels of depth and detail that go far beyond physical units. Take full control of plate material and damping properties, and explore a universe of reverb sounds from classic models such as the EMT140 and 240 and more.

    1. Launch SymLink Installer.cmd
    2. Launch DAW by setting the scan path C: \ Program Files \ VSTPlugins

    What is symlink?

    A symlink (symbolic link) is a special type of link to a folder or file, which is mistaken by the programs reading them as a regular folder or file, although the real data source may be on another disk.

    ATTENTION! Delete the folders left over from previous installations, OTHERWISE THE SIMLINKS WILL NOT BE CREATED!
    ATTENTION! Deleting a symlink does not delete the folder that the symlink refers to.
    ATTENTION! Deleting something when entering the symlink folder leads to the real deletion of the deleted one.
    ATTENTION! The RMDIR command does not delete the contents of a folder if it is not empty.


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