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    40多年来,Lexicon被公认为数字混响和效果处理的金标准,并不断为音频行业引入领先技术。Lexicon再次提供了全套最好的混响插件,震惊了音频行业。PCM Native Reverb插件包是最终的混响插件,用于在Pro Tools,Logic和任何其他AAX,VST,音频单元或RTAS兼容平台等流行DAW中创建专业,鼓舞人心的混音。

    该强大的Bundle具有本地插件所需的所有灵活性,可提供7种传奇的Lexicon混响,以及数百种功能最全,制作最精细的录音棚预设,包括Lexicon庞大的声音库中可识别的经典音色。旨在为您的所有音频应用带来最高水平的音质和功能,PCM Native Reverb Bundle将在您的DAW中占据中心位置。

    PCM Native Reverb插件捆绑包包括

    Vintage Plate
    Random Hall
    Concert Hall

    Finally, hardware quality without the hardware
    For over 40 years Lexicon has been recognized as the gold standard of digital reverb and effects processing and has continuously introduced leading edge technology for the audio industry. Lexicon has again rocked the audio industry with a complete collection of the finest reverb plug-ins available. The PCM Native Reverb Plug-In Bundle is the ultimate reverb plug-in for creating professional, inspirational mixes within popular DAWs like Pro Tools, Logic, and any other AAX, VST, Audio Unit, or RTAS compatible platform.

    With all the flexibility you would expect from a native plug-in, this powerhouse Bundle delivers 7 legendary Lexicon reverbs with hundreds of the most versatile and finely-crafted studio presets, including recognizable classics from Lexicon’s immense library of sounds. Designed to bring the highest level of sonic quality and function to all your audio applications, the PCM Native Reverb Bundle will take center stage in your DAW.

    PCM Native Reverb Plugins Bundle Includes
    Vintage Plate
    Random Hall
    Concert Hall

    FIXED : One of our magic was not working on AAX format. Legit version
    overwrites CreateThread function of KERNEL32.dll, which always makes trouble
    with other strong bad protections. Our magic avoids that imcompatible-maker.
    This overwriting function of PACE Fusion protection is already known as bad
    behavior by developers. It is not used in recent apps.


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