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    混响3适用于冲动响应爱好者。如果您拥有传奇的录音棚硬件甚至是被忽视的宝石的捕获物,那么Reverberate 3就是您的最佳选择。Reverberate 3可以对标志性硬件混响进行脉冲捕捉,使它们听起来比以前更好。




    您是否想过一种经典硬件的早期反射听起来像另一种的尾声一样?或真正立体声中的标志性立体声混响听起来像什么?使用Reverberate 3,这一切皆有可能。任何想为自己的捕获库注入新生命或想对自己已有的东西做得更特别的人都需要Reverberate 3。

    Modulated True-Stereo Convolution Reverb
    Reverberate 3 is for the impulse responses aficionados. If you have captures of legendary studio hardware or even the overlooked gems, Reverberate 3 is for you. Reverberate 3 takes the impulse captures of iconic hardware reverbs and makes them sound better than ever before.

    Loaded with effects and modulation options ranging from the subtle to the sublime, it is a powerhouse of creative potential that can take impulse responses to new highs.

    It features a wealth of editing and modulation tools that can refresh and enliven any third party stereo and true stereo impulse responses. Take your captures closer to their original hardware than ever before, or so far away that they become almost unrecognisable.

    A cornerstone of Reverberate’s ability lies in own proprietary modulated capture and playback technology format called Fusion-IR. It is an innovative approach to convolution capture and playback creating a lively, organic reverberation that is impossible to achieve with traditional static convolution.

    Have you ever wondered what the early reflections of one piece of classic hardware sounds like with tail of another? Or what an iconic stereo reverb would sound like in true stereo? All possible with Reverberate 3. Anybody who wants to breathe new life into their capture library or make something even more special with what they already have needs Reverberate 3.





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