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  • 64bit VST2+AAX



    几十年来,480一直是测量所有其他混响处理器的标准。询问任何专业人士,您很快就会了解到480被广泛认为是有史以来音质最好的混响之一。无与伦比的独特,流畅,丰富的“ 480声音”。

    Relab LX480的新预设管理器使您可以使用美观,直观的界面管理混响预设。



    该v3.1.0.1是TEAM R2R的非正式更新,但存在严重的错误修复。

    开发商没能解决这个$ 349的怪物这个严重的问题!

    R2R | Jan07 2021 | 22 MB

    For decades, the 480 has been the standard by which all other reverb processors have been measured. Ask any pro and you’ll soon learn that the 480 is widely considered to be one of the best-sounding reverbs ever built. Nothing compares to the distinctive, smooth, rich “480 sound”.

    Improved Preset Management
    The new preset manager for the Relab LX480 allows you to manage reverb presets using an attractive and intuitive interface.

    Presets can be sorted and stored in logical groups, for fast and intuitive preset loading and saving.

    Instantly load presets from the original 480L or start with one of our signature presets from world-class mix engineers and then make minor or major adjustments to those settings to suit the needs of your mix. Of course, you can also save your own favorite reverb sounds for fast recall in future mixes.

    This v3.1.0.1 is unofficial yet critcal bug fix update by TEAM R2R.

    With our last v3.1.0 release, some users should have the issue like beeping
    or crashing. We found this issue also happened to some legit users, and that
    users have same issue in v3.0.0 (released in February 2020). It looks like
    developer could not solve this serious issue of this $349 monster!

    After hours of reversing, we found that there is a serious issue which only
    happens on some environment. Then… we successfully fixed it! We are not
    sure if this can solve the issue for all users but it is effective at least
    for our testers. If you had problem, try this!







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