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  • 64bit VST2+VST3+AAX

    获得清晰和充满活力的混音的真正战斗通常是在中频范围内进行。Tube-Tech ME 1B是一款由电子管驱动的无源均衡器,仅适用于中音和中音。因此,准备好,士兵,走吧,走吧,走吧!

    ME 1B是Tube-Tech对经典Pultec MEQ-5中音均衡器的独特诠释。Pultec设计中有很多mojo,但是最大的mojo是设计得如此好,几乎无论您使用什么设置,它都听起来不错。

    就像Tube-Tech PE 1C“ Pultec”均衡器一样,Tube-Tech ME 1B是基于管的无源均衡器。它旨在与PE 1C均衡器一起使用,并提供对PE 1C无法调节的频率的控制。就其本身而言,它是塑造任何音频材料的中音的绝佳工具,并且与PE 1C一起成为多功能和功能齐全的均衡器。

    ME 1B的用户界面非常简单。您有三个不同的部分,低频峰值,中频下降和高频峰值。唯一令人困惑的是,中间部分从不增强,但始终使所选频率衰减。其他两个部分(低频和高频)始终会提高频率。但是,一旦您开始将ME 1B与Tube-Tech PE 1C“ Pultec”均衡器结合使用,您会发现这些均衡器可以完美地互补。

    完美配套管科技PE 1C

    R2R | 05 Jan 2021 | 11.5MB

    The real battle for getting a clear and vibrant mix is often fought in the midrange frequencies. The Tube-Tech ME 1B is a tube-driven passive equalizer that addresses the midrange—and only the midrange. So gear up, soldier and go, go, go!

    The ME 1B is Tube-Tech’s unique take on the classic Pultec MEQ-5 midrange equalizer. There’s a lot of mojo going on in the Pultec designs, but the biggest mojo of it is that it is so well-designed that almost whatever setting you use, it will sound good.

    Just like the Tube-Tech PE 1C “Pultec” Equalizer, the Tube-Tech ME 1B is a passive, tube-based equalizer. It was designed to accompany the PE 1C equalizer, and provide control over the frequencies that the PE 1C cannot adjust. On its own it’s a great tool to shape the midrange of any audio material, and together with the PE 1C it becomes a versatile and full featured equalizer.

    The user interface of the ME 1B is pretty straightforward. You have three different sections, the Low Frequency Peak, Mid Frequency Dip and the High Frequency Peak. The only confusing thing is that the mid section never boosts, but always attenuates the selected frequency. The other two sections, low and high frequency, always boost the frequencies. But as soon as you start to use the ME 1B in conjunction with the Tube-Tech PE 1C “Pultec” Equalizer you’ll find that these equalizers complement each other perfectly.

    Pultec style mid-range equalizer
    Classic Tube-Tech sound, created together with the designers at Tube-Tech
    Each and every component carefully modeled
    Perfect companion to the Tube-Tech PE 1C
    Modeled output transformer
    Extremely analog behavior of frequencies, phase, distortion, etc
    CPU friendly


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