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  • 64bit VST2+VST3+AAX

    点燃保险丝。瑞士军刀级别的动态效果器 , 限制/扩展器,其特殊的声音

    1800年代,瑞典人阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(Alfred Nobel)发明了炸药。在1980年代,一个名叫Paul Buff的美国人创造了Dyna-mite。难道两个人都没有想到,有朝一日,世界将发生冲突并产生人类所知的最完美无规的处理器插件?

    Valley People Dyna-mite是一个有个性的粉桶。当我们在Softube的瑞典实验室得到它时,我们做了什么?当然,向火上扔更多的燃料。它不仅比以往更通用,更易于使用,而且现在更大。我们添加了两个高度集中的插件,这些插件基于Dyna-mite声音并以斯堪的纳维亚风格披风。打上甲板-Dyna-mite Original,Slam和Gate!

    R2R | 05 Jan 2021 | 26.0MB

    Light the fuse.
    In the 1800s, a Swede named Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. In the 1980s, an American named Paul Buff created Dyna-mite. Could the two have ever imagined that, someday, worlds would collide and produce the most perfectly unruly processor plug-in known to man?

    Valley People Dyna-mite is a powder keg of character. And what did we do when we got it in Softube’s Swedish lab? Throw more fuel on the fire, of course. Not only is it more versatile and easier to use than ever, but now it’s bigger. We added two highly-concentrated plug-ins, based on the Dyna-mite sound and cloaked in Scandinavian style. Hit the deck—it’s Dyna-mite Original, Slam, and Gate!

    An expert emulation of the original hardware that gives you famous Softube sound quality and raucous Dyna-mite style
    Includes three plug-ins: Dyna-mite Original plus the new, laser-focused Gate and Slam
    Ideal for drums, but primed for earth-shattering experimentation on any sound source


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