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  • 64bit VST2+VST3+AAX

    Drawmer 1973插件来自具有声音实验功能的时代。经典的Drawmer三频带立体声压缩器经过了更新和忠实的建模,具有卓越

    的音质-传奇Ivor Drawmer自己对此感到满意,从而

    在保持原有的模拟体验的同时,以绝对的精确度控制了声音的动态。预置使您可以动起来,而三向切换等令人难以置信的多功能性则使您可以管理每个细节或进入全面的实验模式。Drawmer 1973插件提高了您的创造力,为现代专业音频带来了经典精神。深入了解模拟风格。

    R2R | Jan 04 2021 | 47 MB

    From an era marked by sound experimentation, comes the Drawmer 1973 plug-in. The classic Drawmer three-band stereo compressor has been updated and faithfully modeled for superior sound quality—to the satisfaction of the legendary Ivor Drawmer himself

    Steer the dynamics of your sound with absolute precision while maintaining that unmistakeable analog feeling. Presets allow you to hit the ground running while the incredible versatility of features, such as the three-way switch, let you manage every detail or go full-on experimental-mode. The Drawmer 1973 plug-in ups the wattage of your creative power, bringing a classic ethos to modern pro audio. Get down to the nitty-gritty, analog-style.




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