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  • 64bit VST2+VST3+AAX

    如果存在模拟工作室设备的层次结构(让我们面对现实,那是一种事实),就很难对ChandlerLimited®Curve Bender的王位主张提出异议。在模拟母带级均衡器中,这个均衡器就跟它们一样是蓝血统的。

    得益于原始锗和电感器电路的组件级建模,Curve Bender拥有超强的血统,强大而可控制的功率,并且最重要的是,出色的音质,现在首次以本机格式提供,在整个领域都处于统治地位模拟母带中的音调整形。

    -ChandlerLimited®Curve Bender的专业模拟版本,得到原始硬件的创建者Wade Goeke的完全认可

    03 Jan 2021 | 15.1MB

    Sovereign of analog mastering equalizers.
    If there was a hierarchy of analog studio gear (and let’s face it, there kind of is) it’d be hard to dispute the Chandler Limited® Curve Bender’s claim to the throne. Among analog mastering grade equalizers, this one’s about as blue-blooded as they come.

    With tremendous pedigree, huge yet controlled power, and most importantly, exceptional sound quality, thanks to component-level modelling of the original germanium and inductor circuits, the Curve Bender, now available for the first time in native format, reigns supreme over the domain of tone-shaping in analog mastering.

    – An expertly emulated version of the Chandler Limited® Curve Bender, fully-endorsed by the creator of the original hardware, Wade Goeke
    – An extremely musical mastering equalizer based on legendary console EQ circuits from Abbey Road Studios in London
    – Includes professional presets from Joe Chicarelli, Tony Maserati, Howard Willing, Kevin Kadish, and Maor Appelbaum




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