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  • 64bit VST2+VST3+AAX

    RS127机架,RS127 Box和RS135由Softube精心模拟,可提供可想象的最甜美的高音均衡-真正的无源模拟电路的声音。

    借助Brilliance Pack,如今基于DAW的混音工程师可以添加所需的所有空气和火花,而丝毫没有刺耳的痕迹-就像伦敦Abbey Road Studios的世界顶级工程师从1960年代开始所做的录音一样。


     03 Jan 2021 | 13.8MB

    A secret weapon from the 60s.
    Meticulously modeled by Softube, the RS127 Rack, RS127 Box, and RS135 deliver the sweetest treble equalization imaginable – the sound of real passive analog circuitry in all its glory.

    With the Brilliance Pack, today’s DAW-based mix engineers can add all the air and sparkle they want, without the slightest trace of harshness – just like the world’s top engineers at Abbey Road Studios, London, have done on their recordings from the 1960s onwards.

    – Three passive treble equalizers, modeled from Abbey Road Studios’ originals
    – The original grey RS127, the green RS127 with added transformer, and the 8 kHz only RS135
    – Adds sweet treble and presence without harshness


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