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  • 64bit VST2+VST3+AAX

    金盘子 将Relab华丽,柔滑的混响尾音与Kush的毛绒谐波成形和脂肪压缩曲线相结合,为典型混响提供了所有基本便利,但其界面远远超出了传统混响控件的预期。调出信号混响前和混响的热失真,在混响后泵送压缩,然后选择两种不同板材料的任意混合。而且,与大多数算法板不同,这一混响在整个混响时间范围内听起来同样令人难以置信。


    R2R | Dec 31 2020 | 14 MB

    Goldplate marries Relab’s gorgeous, silky smooth reverberation tails with Kush’s plush harmonic shaping and fat compression curves, resulting in all the basic amenities of a typical reverb, but with an interface that goes far beyond what you expect from traditional reverb controls. Dial in a warm distortion of the signal pre-reverb and thick, pumping compression post-reverb, and select any mix of two different plate materials. And, unlike most algorithmic plates, this one sounds equally incredible across the full range of its reverb time.

    If you’re among the many engineers who’ve yet to explore distortions and compression on reverb, or who prefer small rooms to plates for shorter brighter spaces, or think algorithmic plates can’t quite match the density and lushness of a 600 pound metal plate driven by tubes, Goldplate is here to change your mind.


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