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  • 64bit VST2+VST3+AAX

    DYN 3000具有强大的压缩器和门控效果直观控制,以及传奇的Midas音调,是一款多功能的动态插件,可为您的DAW带来Midas控制台的灵活性和即时性。

    基于Midas HERITAGE 3000控制台的多功能压缩器和门效果
    -完全兼容DYN 3000-DT Icon Series桌面界面,并具有无限制的插件功能
    -Mac *和Windows *上的标准VST *,音频单元*和AAX *原生插件处理
    -与所有主要的DAW兼容,包括Pro Tools *,Cubase *,Nuendo *,Logic Pro *和Ableton Live *

    R2R | 01 Jan 2021 | 5.1MB

    With powerful compressor and gate effects intuitive controls, and legendary Midas tone, the DYN 3000 is a versatile dynamics plugin which brings the flexibility and immediacy of a Midas console to your DAW.

    Product Features
    – The essence of Midas sound as a standard plug-in for your DAW
    – Versatile compressor and gate effects based on the Midas HERITAGE 3000 console
    – Class-leading dynamics processing acclaimed for its rich, warm sonic performance and flexibility
    – Analog-feel controls for fast, precise and intuitive access to all key settings
    – High-resolution and resizable user interface for complete overview and visual feedback
    – Fully compliant with the DYN 3000-DT Icon Series desktop interface and unlimited functionality as plug-in
    – Natural-sounding presence control adds subtle air to select sounds
    – Adjustable sidechain filters to define the compression behavior in detail
    – Suitable for all kinds of content material and for use on single sources, buses and master mixes
    – Offers full support for standard DAW automation and project recall
    – Standard VST*, Audio Units* and AAX*-native plug-in processing on Mac* and Windows*
    – Compatible with all major DAWs including Pro Tools*, Cubase*, Nuendo*, Logic Pro* and Ableton Live*
    – Designed and engineered in Denmark and the U.K.




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