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  • R2R团队| 2019年11月27日| WiN 11 MB | OSX 24 MB
    平台:WiN32 / 64 – VST / VST3 / AAX | MacOSX – AU / VST / VST3 / AAX


    Verberate 2具有革命性的生动霍尔算法。当涉及到混响时,关键在于音质。Verberate是一种算法混响插件,可模拟具有非凡逼真的真实声学环境。第一个Verberate版本已经提高了标准。第2版引入了生动的霍尔算法,该算法增加了时间差异,从而避免了困扰基于卷积的混响的刚度,同时保留了Verberate 1的自然高密度混响尾音。


    的高度逼真的仿真新的时变Vivid Hall算法超越了卷积



    Verberate 2 with the Revolutionary Vivid Hall Algorithm. When it comes to reverb, it’s all about the sound quality. Verberate is an algorithmic reverb plug-in that simulates real acoustical surroundings with exceptional realism. The first Verberate version already raised the bar. Version 2 introduces the Vivid Hall algorithm that adds time variance to avoid the stiffness that plagues convolution based reverbs while preserving the natural high density reverb tails of Verberate 1.

    Real acoustical surroundings will have slight variations due to air currents, moving performers or movements in the audience. While these variations may seem subtle, the effect towards the end of the reverb tail is significant, since the sound is reflected a large number of times before the reverb tail fades out. The new Vivid Hall algorithm models these random variations without artifacts like chorus effects or pitch changes, and is therefore capable of simulating reverberation of real halls with a higher degree of realism.

    Highly realistic simulation of real acoustical spaces and mechanical plates
    The new time variant Vivid Hall algorithm goes beyond convolution
    Powerful decay editor allows frequency dependent reverb times
    Versatile integrated output equalizer




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