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  • 测试心得:染色味道好比较靠前,延迟极低,可适合现场K歌,有干湿比调节,可以做并联压缩,更适合唱歌大动态的人使用。


    每个曾经有机会听MagicDeathEye压缩器的人都被它的声音震撼了。由Ian Sefchick先生(Capitol Records的母带工程师)精心设计,该管式压缩机的电路大致基于Fairchild660。它是一种可变增益压缩机,在母带母线上听起来和在单个轨道上一样好。这里没有任何东西粉碎,所有东西都能呼吸和发光,而MagicDeathEye将以温暖和几乎优雅的方式将您的音频信号平滑地粘合在一起,只有昂贵的电子管压缩机才能做到。

    现在,MagicDeathEye压缩器已经是传奇性的硬件了,它只适合世界上一些最顶级的录音棚使用。经过近一年的仔细电路和信号分析,DDMF和Ian Sefchick非常自豪地展示了这款可爱的野兽的官方插件版本!在保持CPU负载在非常合理的水平的同时,与硬件角色模型保持极其紧密的联系,我们真诚地相信,对这个久远的问题“我真的需要另一个压缩机插件”的回答对于这个人来说是肯定的!



    Everybody who has ever had a chance to listen to a MagicDeathEye compressor has been blown away by its sound. Carefully designed by Mr. Ian Sefchick (mastering engineer at Capitol Records), this tube compressor’s circuit is loosely based on a Fairchild 660. It’s a variable gain compressor that sounds just as great on your mastering bus as on your individual tracks. Nothing is smashed here, everything breathes and shines while the MagicDeathEye will smoothly glue your audio signal together in that warm and almost elegant way only expensive tube compressors can.

    Already now a legendary piece of hardware, the MagicDeathEye compressor is just to good to be exclusively available only to some of the greatest studios in the world. After almost a year of careful circuit and signal analysis, DDMF and Ian Sefchick are extremely proud to present the official plugin version of this lovely beast! Staying extremely close to its hardware role model while still keeping the CPU load at a very reasonable level, we sincerely believe that the answer to the ever-old question “Do I really need another compressor plugin” is a resounding yes for this one!

    We could go on and on here, telling you all about the extremely interesting technical details like the eight(!) tubes that are being used, the handwound transformers and so on, but we think it’s about time you simply give this fantastic tool a spin and hear for yourself what the buzz is all about. We hope you’ll enjoy the ride!


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