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  • 【透明的光学衰减器. 压缩器】




    在Tone Empire,我们受到这些经典设备的启发,渴望将扩展的功能带给当今的现代音乐家,工程师和制作人,他们需要先进的系统并需要更大的灵活性和扩展音调。因此,我们现在开始了一系列新的处理器,称为

    OptoRED is a transparent Optical Attenuator (compressor) based on the classic American unit used on countless hit records. This is part of our new “Enhanced Classics” series.

    Compression is one of the most important tools in the arsenal of an Engineer, Music Producer & Artist alike. This is now a device that far surpasses its original intent which was to control the level of the sound automatically.

    Today we use different types of compressors for inducing a “Vibe” & “Feel” to our instruments, percussion, drums, and voice. Digital and Analog Compressors have come a long way, but some classics are still preferred even today because they are now as much a part of a genre or musical style that they are now deemed as musical instruments in their own right.

    At Tone Empire, we are inspired by these classic devices yet yearn to bring extended functionality to today’s modern musicians, engineers & Producers working on advanced systems with a need for more flexibility and extended tones. Hence we have now started a new series of processors called


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