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  • United Plugins bundle 2023.2 CE (Win64; AAX*, VST3, VST)



    FireCharger v2.5 - Charge your sound to max

    FireCobra v2.5 - Intelligence in Audio Enhancing

    FireMaster v2.5 - The Cherry on Top

    FireMaximizer v1.0 - Nitro power for your mixes

    FirePresser v2.5 - One to Rule Them All

    Instant Audio:

    QuickAG v3.0 - Bigger, better, brighter, smoothe

    QuickBass v2.0 - It's all about that bass (and some treble)

    JMG Sound:

    Cryostasis v1.1 - Freeze Time Forever

    Expanse 3D v1.5 - Sound deeper, wider and bigger!

    Hyperspace v2.5 - Shortcut to the New Universe

    Mirror v1.5 - Reflections of the Future

    Nanopulse v1.0 - The Power of Attack

    Orbitron v1.5 - The Revolution in Modulation

    Retronaut v1.0 - Explore the past

    Transmutator v2.5 - The Art of Crossfading


    Bassment v1.3 - Bass is the base

    Electrum v1.7 - The Mother of All Guitar Amps

    MorphVerb v2.5 - I'm Every Reverb

    Soundevice Digital:

    Autoformer v2.7 - Colour, Polish, Finish

    DIFIX v2.5 - Fix your recording hardware imperfection

    FrontDAW v2.5 - Turn Your DAW Mixer into an Analogue Desk

    MasterMind v1.3 - The shortest way from mix to master

    Royal Compressor v2.5 - The Return of the King

    Subbass Doctor 808 v2.5 - Treat Your SubBass Right

    TrapTune v1.3 - Automatic tuner for Trap and more...

    UniChannel v1.6 - Inspiration in variety

    Urban Puncher v1.6 - Energize your loops

    Verbum v2.6 - The Beauty Is in Chaos

    VoxDucker v1.1 - Mix voiceovers instantly

    Voxessor v2.6 - Let your voice be heard


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